Marvel Comics
The Trial of Thor
By Hervé St-Louis
June 20, 2009 - 23:31
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Peter Milligan
Penciller(s): Cary Nord
Inker(s): Cary Nord
Colourist(s): Christina Strain
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Cary Nord
$3.99 US
Has Thor snapped? Several witness confirm that they have seen him commit gruesome murders on fellow Asgardians. But Odin, his father and ruler of all the gods refuses to believe it. Will Thor find a way to clear his name?
I’m not sure why my local comic book retailer put that in my drop list, but I took it. It features Cary Nord artwork which is always a magical moment. Cary Nord is the type of artist who does marvellous work on fantasy series like Conan the Barbarian, so it was interesting to see his depiction of Thor. Strain’s colours perfectly match Nord’s pencils, enhancing the ethereal feel of the book.
The story itself was not bad, but nothing more than a onetime idea that will not change much about Thor or inform readers about him. And this is the difference with oneshots about characters like Batman and Wolverine. With these two characters, writers are always trying to spin and add something the characters’ mythos. They try to play with the core and leave something behind. There’s no such attempt here. We have a Thor, barely present and involved in the story and there is nothing memorable about the character that will make people remember this comic book in a few years. The most likely thing is that the new Asgardian character introduced will be reused by some lame writer in future Thor stories, when they run out of ideas.
The title of the comic book is also very misleading. There is no trial at all in this book, although I found the forensic talk of the Asgardian investigators a little too modern to be credible.
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