Marvel Comics
The Mighty Avengers #29
By Hervé St-Louis
September 21, 2009 - 21:33
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Christos Gage, Dan Slott
Penciller(s): Khoi Pham
Inker(s): Danny Miki
Colourist(s): John Rauch
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear
Cover Artist(s): Marko Djurdjevic
$2.99 US
The former king of Attila whose name cannot be spoken transforms humans into sub humans, including a few Avengers. But elsewhere, the Young Avengers are fighting Loki disguised as the Scarlet Witch and it takes a retuning Ronin (Clint Barton) to help defeat her, with a kiss. But has Loki really been defeated?
The story line involving the former Inhuman king is starting to be stretched too long to be interesting. Every issue has the writer trying to convince the reader that this new menace is major, yet nothing really happens. Somehow, I’m still rooting for this series to be the definitive Avengers’ series, but it’s starting to be low on fuel and excitements. Let’s hope something happens soon as it is the one Avengers’ series that sells the least.
Usually, I like Pham’s work, but he’s making the characters’ faces and builds larger than usual and it’s starting to take away from me concentrating on the story and focus on the large frames instead. He’s a good artist, but it seems that like many, he’s falling prey to a few tricks and ways of drawing that make all of his work look consistently similar and it may limit his progress.
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