Marvel Comics
The Invincible Iron Man #28
By Hervé St-Louis
July 25, 2010 - 13:36
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Matt Fraction
Penciller(s): Salvador Larroca
Inker(s): Salvador Larroca
Colourist(s): Frank D'Armata
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
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Iron Man is rebuilding his empire by creating top speed sports cars powered by his repulsor technology. He’s recruiting the best of the bunch to create his new company focused on helping the world and not creating military armament. But the Hammers have another objective and they want to shame Tony Stark and take over the business he relents. Will they succeed? This issue was talking heads. Although the artwork by Larrocca was gorgeous as usual, I had problems getting in the mood of reading the talking heads. I understand that some work has to be done to rebuild a solid core and cast for this series, but there has to be a better way of making it work than talking heads for almost 22 pages.
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