Marvel Comics
The Invincible Iron Man #1
By Hervé St-Louis
May 25, 2008 - 20:41
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Matt Fraction
Penciller(s): Salvador Larroca
Inker(s): Salvador Larroca
Colourist(s): Frank D'Armata, Stephane Peru
Letterer(s): Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist(s): Salvador Larroca
$2.99US, $3.05 Canada
Ezekiel Stane has created technology that makes the Iron Man technology from Tony Stark nothing but Iron Man 1.0. Armed with Iron Man 2.0, Stane plans mass genocide and handing out this new technology to people around the world. Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, must now face his greatest fear about his technology and stop Stane. But is he capable of defeating newer technology? This new series about Iron Man is where readers will find the answer.
This new series takes after one of the most popular types of storylines from Iron Man’s history – the Armour Wars – and combines it with the son of one of Iron Man’s deadliest foes, Iron Monger. This issue introduces the world to Iron Man and Tony Stark’s job as Director of SHIELD. Because it is an introductory story, not much happens besides the plot’s set up. However, Fraction quickly makes readers relate to Iron Man and even some of the innocent victims suffering from Stane’s acts. It’s a promising series that will offer double the Iron Man dose monthly, and I will be there next month.
Larroca is of course a superb artist and by now one of the heavyweight creators at Marvel Comics. It’s suiting for him to be given such a series as he details technology well and keeps all characters’ look consistent. There is a sense of three dimensions in his work making it overtly dynamic. Combining that with the beautiful colours of painters D’Armata and Peru, there is nothing to complain about in this series. Let’s just hope the quality will be sustained in latter issues.
This issue was dedicated to colourist Stephane Peru who participated on this issue and recently died.
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