
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Teen Titans #12
By Philip Schweier

November 7, 2017 - 10:36

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Artist(s): Mirka Andolfo
Colourist(s): Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer(s): Corey Breen
Cover Artist(s): Stjepan Sejic

Green Arrow says it best: “Not the team-up anyone was expecting.” Because there is very little of the Teen Titans in this issue. It’s a cross-over with the Nth Metal saga currently running through the DC line-up (mostly the bat-titles), and other than a few panels at the beginning, it’s mostly a Damian Wayne story.

Edward Nigma has been freed from Arkham, and given the opportunity to reshape Gotham City as he sees fit. In so doing, he has created a maze out of ancient times, complete with a minotaur at the center spouting riddles. With the help of Green Arrow, Harley Quinn and Killer Croc, Damian must reach the center and solve the minotaur’s riddle to defeat Nigma.

I don’t know if it genuinely advances the Nth Metal plotline any. Puzzles, victories and defeats do very little, though I suspect it’s early enough in the storyline that it doesn’t matter much. Eventually the narrative dovetails into Nightwing #19, seemingly abandoning the Teen Titans altogether.

Given Dick Grayson’s last page appearance, I do hope there is a Starfire/Nightwing reunion. I miss the Teen Titans of my youth, though I realize things must change. This team – however briefly – seems comfortably familiar without being stale.

Rating: 4/10

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