DC Comics
Teen Titans #8
By Paul Mason
May 17, 2017 - 06:53
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy, Dan Arnett, Christopher Priest
Breakdowns: Phil Hester
Penciller(s): Khoi Phan
Inker(s): Wade von Grawbadger
Colourist(s): Jim Charalampidis
Letterer(s): Corey Breen
Cover Artist(s): Mike McKone, Alex Sinclair
So much occurs before the credits page. Including a recap of Daniel’s Wally West, or the new 52 and Teen Titans Kid Flash. In Wallets voice Percy reminds readers’ of the events leading up to the return of the original Wally West in DC universe rebirth.
As the second part of the Titans and Teen Titans crossover we are reminded by Robin that Death stroke has both Wally Wests. Naturally the Teen Titans head to the Titans, and tensions run high. After all Robin is not exactly a diplomat, yet Percy avoids the hero versus hero fight with aplomb.
Once again the art in this comic pops, truly the pencils and colours complement each other to fill the issue with wonderful visuals.
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