DC Comics
Teen Titans #1
By Hervé St-Louis
October 4, 2011 - 22:13
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Scott Lobdell
Penciller(s): Brett Booth
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Colourist(s): Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer(s): Carlos M.Mangual
Cover Artist(s): Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse
$2.99 US
Teenage super heroes are popping out all over the world and secret organization is interested in them. It’s up to Red Robin, the former sidekick of Batman to stop this organization and recruit the kids so they can join his Teen Titans and learn to use their powers for the greater good.
The premise here has changed a lot from the old Teen Titans concept. Here, even if many of these characters are junior Justice League stand ins, they don’t have any real connection to their adult counterparts. That’s actually refreshing and opens the door for many fresh stories. The pace of the story is quite quick too. As with all 52 books, we jump right into the action in the first few pages and get explanations for what is really happening. This formula has been used for all of the 52 books to some extent. I understand that DC Comics is trying to hook in readers quickly with something that shows the prowess of the characters. Here, because the spotlight is on KidFlash, the effect is not as strong, although there is enough action in the following pages. This series promises to have the most action of any one from the 52 reboot and I can’t complain about that.
Now, I didn’t like the art at all. It started with KidFlash whose face I felt like punching. He just didn’t appeal to me. Later, we also see ugly faces for Wonder Girl which made me more focused on how much I couldn’t stand her face than what she was actually doing. I don’t like the work of this artist much, so I won’t focus on that too much here. His work is dynamic and seemingly well positioned for an action-packed comic book. Some readers may enjoy the Jim Lee influences.
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