Adam Strange, on a mission from Rann to log a formal protest with the New Kryptonian Council over their charter with Thanagar, accidentally zeta beams into the chambers of murdered Councilor Mar-Li. Once cleared of being a suspect in the murder, Adam is enlisted by Kal-El to help him track down the murderer. Clues picked up along the way lead to Labor Guild member Tam-Or. When Kal and Adam attempt to locate Tam-Or, they come across Kal’s old Labor Guild friend Tyr-Van, with whom he’s had a falling out with, and another deathly ill Labor Guild member, who happens to be “someone special” to Tyr. Tam-Or flees, and when Kal and Adam attempt to pursue him for questioning, a near riot breaks out. It appears the seeds of dissent Kal placed in Tyr when they first met back in Superman: WONK #1 are bearing bitter fruit…

Superman: WONK has been a revolving door for guest stars over the last few issues, and with an appearance by Adam Strange, the rotating guest cast of cosmic travelers nears completion. Strange ends up being quite helpful, as the bumbling Kryptonians don’t seem to have a clue on how to investigate a murder. This seems a bit illogical. In the history of Kandor City and Old Krypton, was there never a murder committed? Nevertheless, the incident is a harbinger that there may be deadly changes afoot for the status quo on New Krypton, and it may be the type of change that just might tear the society apart.
As Superman: WONK nears its final few issues, the issues in Kryptonian society stemming from the slave labor class Labor Guild members’ growing desire for representation appear to be coming full circle. Johns opened this series with a pointed look at Kryptonian societal hierarchy, illustrated through Kal-El and Tyr-Van’s conversation about the injustices inherent in the Labor Guild system, and the new dissent amongst the Labor Guild, coupled with Zod’s machinations, just might prove to be the unraveling of New Kryptonian society. With the threat posed by the fanatic General Lane added to the mix, Superman might not be able to save his reborn home world from certain calamity.
Events of Superman: WONK continue to build toward the impending war between Earth and New Krypton, hinted at in the pages of Superman: Secret Origin #2. Fans of this series, and if you’re not you should be, have been treated to a spectacularly written and drawn event thus far, that once again, will go down as one of the greatest Superman stories of all time.