Mon-El discovers a mysterious set of red sun crystals, a form of Kryptonian memory and recording tech, which contain the history of his world and his family’s place in it. Hesitant, at first, to experience the knowledge they have to bestow, but realizing that, as his friend Mitch suggests, “you can only truly appreciate what lies ahead by knowing what’s gone before,” Mon-El takes the trip back through the history of Daxam, up to his arrival on Earth and befriending of a young Clark Kent.
Much like Action Comics Annual #12 revealed the history behind, and personal stories of Action Comic’s current headliners, Nighwing and Flamebird, Superman Annual #14 reveals the history of, or as the cover states, “Secret Origin” of, Mon-El and his home world, Daxam. It’s all here: the beginnings of Kryptonian society, their “Great Inquiry” (read as: colonization of the stars) Era, the settlement of Daxam (by a Kryptonian leader named Dax-Am), the peaceful space exploration conducted by Daxamites, their “Science War,” the rise of xenophobia on their planet (led by The Eradicator-guess he’s still a part of Superman’s continuity!), and their relationship to a certain ancient Earth civilization…
To reveal this relationship would utterly spoil the surprise and fitting twist to Mon-El’s origin, but wow, is it a doozy. Mon-El, who hasn’t been a major part of the ongoing Superman mythos for quite some time, until recently, is now a character I cannot ever imagine NOT being a major part of the Superman mythos going forward. Robinson has turned a little known (to modern Superman readers) character into one of the most interesting and dynamic (in the literary definition of the word) character in the DC Universe. I’m glad to see that in October of 2009, Mon-El will be taking a role with the revamped Justice League of
America. He’s growing into a character with some real staying power.

Mon-El's future new duds when he joins the JLA.
Pina’s art is just as superb as the storytelling. He recreates Daxam, Krypton, Earth, and various environments ranging from unnamed extra-terrestrial worlds to Metropolis’ hottest night/dance club. Each is rendered believably with great detail and realism.

Justice League of America's October cover image.
Again, the current storylines in the Superman Family of books, and their annuals, continue to bring readers top notch stories and fantastic art. With the appearances recently of Superman in his classic suit, and back in action on Earth, while still continuing the World of New Krypton saga, and crossing it over into Blackest Night with Blackest Night: Superman; DC Comics is showing us that they can pull off a multi-layered and massive crossover, sometimes two at a time, and still deliver great stories and art.