DC Comics
Superman #10 Review
By Andy Frisk
June 30, 2012 - 20:11
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens, Jesus Merino
Inker(s): Jesus Merino
Colourist(s): Tanya and Richard Horie
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
$2.99 US
Superman battles a tortured super villain that can’t be touched who only wants to retrieve a personal keepsake from a life that she missed out on. Meanwhile, Morgan Edge’s (the Metropolis media-mogul) crusade to reveal Superman’s secret identity goes horribly awry…
Seeing Dan Jurgens’ art on a Superman book again brings back some great memories from my favorite Superman comic book reading days. Reading Dan Jurgens’ take on a Superman story brings back some great memories as well. We finally get a Superman story arc that is more grounded on Earth and develops the world around Superman thanks to Jurgens. It's one that focuses on the human story of Superman and his interactions with those in his life. Sadly though, it was recently announced that Jurgens is soon to be leaving the book. Regardless, whatever quality he managed to bring to The New 52’s Superman, it still paled in comparison to what Scott Snyder and Brian Azzarello are doing with Batman and Wonder Woman. (As I’ve stated over and over again here at ComicBookBin IT IS SUPERMAN’S SUPPORTING CAST THAT KEEPS HIM FRESH-I wish DC Comics could get that).
Why, why, why, can’t we get anything better out of a Superman book than what Grant Morrison is giving us over in Action Comics? Even that isn’t nearly as strong as the stories that DC Comics are pumping out about their aforementioned other big two superheroes. What is it going to take? As I’ve also stated again and again with regards to Superman as a character, costume changes and wipe from existence marriages will not add anything to the character if he doesn’t have a STRONG SUPPORTING CAST. That’s what made World of New Krypton so good and what is making Superman so bad right now. That and the fact that he’s been fighting alien threat after alien threat (including a very boring battle with a washed up Wildstorm villain: Hellespont) hasn't helped anything one bit.
At least we got treated to Jurgens artwork (albeit with a bit of polish from the also talented Jesus Merino). Jurgens’ Superman has always been strong and iconic looking. The anatomy isn’t always picture perfect, but Superman's physical power is conveyed very well through Jurgens' pencils.
I still will keep reading Superman, but I’ll still keep hoping for a return to the glory days of what was the story of my GenX Superman.
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