Cat Grant, The Daily Planet’s society reporter, continues to press for more press by going on Metropolis’ version of The Glen Beck Show, Morgan Edge’s Edge of Reason, to bash Supergirl, Nightwing, and Flamebird for a crime they didn’t commit, and haven’t been shown, convincingly enough, to be guilty of. They are accused of murdering Mon-El, Metropolis’ resident hero while Superman is on New Krypton. Grant is confronted by a real reporter, Lois Lane, just after the Edge of Reason finishes its current episode, and she gives Grant an earful, “Are you even a reporter, Cat? Don’t you have a shred of integrity? Or is pandering with lies and innuendo just that much easier for you? This isn’t journalism! It’s propaganda!” Lois, a true voice of reason and truth in the ever growing extremist and reactionary press in Metropolis, hits the nail on the head, and in turn makes a new, highly visible enemy in Grant.

MIddleton's cover.
The storytelling continues to reach new heights of greatness in Supergirl. While right wing talk shows continue to fan the flames of anti-Kryptonian hysteria, Supergirl, Nightwing, and Flamebird seek help from Lana Lang, and in turn decide to reach out to Lois for further help, but will she be able to help them clear their names of a crime they didn’t commit, especially in the current political climate? Every issue of every Superman Family title are must reads as they continue to unfold the greatest long term Superman storyline of all time.

Some of Igle's awesome art.
Jamal Igle continues his inspired run on Supergirl. Igle has, at this point, taken stage with the late Michael Turner as one of Supergirl’s most defining artists. He has penciled Supergirl through some of the toughest trials of her life, and his take on Supergirl’s look and the artistic feel of his Supergirl work will define the look of and feel of the character for years to come. The day Igle leaves this book will be a sad one indeed, but seeing him take on even more characters, like he has with Nighwing and Flamebird in this issue, will be something worth looking forward to. Maybe Igle will eventually get to pencil some other books and remain on Supergirl indefinitely? We can only hope.
Another showdown with Reactron is inevitable, and Supergirl will eventually get the chance to bring her father’s murderer to justice. How this subplot of the overarching World of New Krypton saga will unfold is just one of the many tales that are worth following weekly in the Superman titles. Each tale shouldn’t be missed. This is superhero storytelling at its best.