DC Comics
Supergirl #2
By Andy Frisk
October 20, 2011 - 23:38
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Michael Green and Mike Johnson
Penciller(s): Mahmud Asrar
Inker(s): Dan Green
Colourist(s): Dave McCaig
Letterer(s): John J. Hill
$2.99 US
Kal-El tries to reason with Kara Zor-El to pretty much no avail, until she realizes that she nearly wrecks the Great Wall of China and feels bad because she believes that she’s almost destroyed what she mistakes for “their home!” referring to the people touring the site. At least she isn’t full on displaying the much DCnU touted reboot characteristic of having “none of his (Superman’s) affection for the people of Earth!” She feels bad for the peoples’ “home” she is wrecking at least, even if she mistakes them for living in squalor…Superman finally gets to fill her in on the fact that “Krypton is gone,” and that they have to be careful here on this world (Earth) because here “under this sun” they have the power of the “Worldkillers,” a dangerous weapons program that was outlawed on Krypton before its destruction. Meanwhile, someone has captured Kara’s Kryptonian ship, and its red sun crystal that promises untold power through its knowledge.
Slow moving, packed with more sucker punches than a dirty fight, but revealing some interesting new takes on Krypton along with Supergirl’s great job of bikini waxing, yet again (her suit has to be fixed soon), Supergirl #2 is an improvement over Supergirl #1, but still labors under a pretty silly characterization of a recently brilliantly portrayed character. Supergirl wakes up on a strange planet, is approached threateningly by members of this planet in weird mecha-war suits, feels “lost, confused, and alone” yet upon meeting someone who speaks her language, wears a similar outfit, and bears her family’s crest, she decks him. She decks him not just once, but repeatedly. I’m not a moody teenage girl, so I honestly can’t speak for Kara, but if I woke up in a strange place where no one spoke English and someone who did came up to me, and was dressed like me, I’d probably refrain from punching them out. I mean honestly, they might be the only person who can help me figure out what’s going on. Again, though I’m not a teenage girl so I really don’t know what I’d do. Somehow though I don’t think I’d react like Supergirl does.
Asrar’s art this issue is solid. He does a good job with the fight choreography and new hyperactively detailed Superman and Supergirl outfits. Nothing really stands out as spectacular in his work, but there is noting to complain about. One has to wonder though how long the extra lines, armored panels, and detailed boots are going to last as far as Superman’s suit goes. It must be incredibly time consuming to draw and with DC Comics touting its new dedication to timeliness, one has to imagine that a simplification of the suit is coming soon simply for the sake of living up to its new deadline conscious mindset.
Overall, Supergirl #2 does more to pique the reader’s interest in Superman and the rebooted DCnU version of Krypton than interest the reader in the series’ title character. I’m unsure how this series, and rebooted Kara, will play out. If I wasn’t such a die hard Superman fan, who’s followed the superhero since before I was in grade school, I’d probably consider dropping the series all together.
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