So the main
thing that I took away from Supergirl
#1 was how awful her costume is. That means that there really wasn’t much else
that I took away from this first issue of the rebooted Kara Zor-El’s new series.
The S-Shield is too weird looking, but obviously not weird enough for the alien
intercept team that battles Kara after her Kryptonian ship crashes in Siberia. They recognize the design, and apparently they
aren’t too thrilled to see it on another super powered being. Guess that plays
into the whole “feared and mistrusted” description that is now indicative of
being Kryptonian in the DCnU. Anyway, Kara doesn’t know what in the world is
going on, how she got wherever she is, and that she will be developing a bunch
of super powers under our yellow sun. All of which leads to a massive fistfight
with her human interceptors, etc. etc. until her super cousin show up and
literally tells her to “Stop” in their native language.

As was the
case with the story in Superboy #1,
there really isn’t much of a change here thematically from Supergirl’s Michael
Turner spearheaded reintroduction almost a decade ago. She doesn’t know what’s
going on, she doesn’t realize her own strength, she’s a bit of a baby, and the
reasons behind her arrival on Earth are shrouded in mystery. Apparently, there
really wasn’t anything wrong thematically with Superboy and Supergirl as they’ve
existed for the last decade in the DCU. There’s really not much new here
(admittedly this is just another in a long line of boring new #1’s and can’t be
written off immediately), and it appears that DC Comics just wanted to screw up
Superman, not his extended family.

So, as
concerns Supergirl’s new outfit. There was much concern about how her (now
retro) midriff baring/Britney Spears look was degrading and over
sexualized what was supposed to be a 16 year old girl. Okay, point taken, cover
up her belly. No problem with that. It actually makes sense. After all, Kara is
a 16 year old girl. The problem is that now, instead of baring a little belly
skin, she is sporting thigh baring bikini cut “bottoms” that are so ridiculously high that they're almost obscene. Maybe her legs are covered by flesh toned
tights or something, but it sure looks like we all are getting a pretty good
view of how well Kara bikini waxes. This is something that we don’t need to
see. I can live with her new costume, even with the screwed up looking
S-Shield, but for God’s sake give the girl her skirt back.

Miss ya Kara...
On the
positive side, writers Green and Johnson manage to put together a smoothly
flowing narrative. Honestly though, as stated, there isn’t much going on
besides a Girl of Steel vs. real steel fistfight which is ended when the big kid,
Superman, shows up. Mahmud Asrar’s pencils are solid, but he somehow doesn’t
really capture the innocent yet confident look that Jamal Igle immortalized
during his run on Supergirl.
Supergirl was one of the most dynamic and engaging characters in the DCU just
before Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle left her book. Now, as far as the first
issue is concerned, she’s just a pale rehash of the Kara we met again for the
first time a decade ago. This is a new and dynamic DCU? Not as far as Supergirl,
or Superboy for that matter, are concerned…at least yet.