Marvel Comics
Secret Invasion # 2
By Hervé St-Louis
May 11, 2008 - 21:10
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller(s): Leinil Yu
Inker(s): Mark Morales
Colourist(s): Laura Martin
Letterer(s): Chris Eliopoulos
Old Friends return, old dead friends confront those who live. Lost in the jungle of the Savage Land in Antarctica, the Avengers face off against other Avengers who claim to have escaped captivity from the Skrull and have found their way back to Earth. But all is not well, and although Ares, of all people wants to discuss, when super heroes meet on opposing ends, they usually fight. The Skrull may have played their best card yet, and it will be impossible to figure out who is human and who is Skrull. But while the Avengers are fighting each other in the jungle, the Skrulls have something else they want to dish out. Will the Avengers recover enough to stop them?
This issue is a straight fight with not much. Hints about what trickery and events happening elsewhere in other Marvel Comics are alluded to, but except for the possible recovery of a few dead super heroes and a lot of dead Skrulls splattered across the ground, there isn’t much. I was expecting Bendis to deliver a multilayered story here and it’s not like that. Sure, the actual fight is interesting but I feel that this issue is useless in the overall scheme and nothing but padding. I’m hoping this story will have more meat next issue.
Yu does not master the art of storytelling. His work feels like he captures shots from action pieces, but it is not kinematic. The juxtaposition of several frames does not move the story. At this point, this comic book, visually is but a series of posters pasted together.
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