
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Scooby Apocalypse #22
By Philip Schweier

February 14, 2018 - 09:58

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis
Artist(s): Colleen Doran
Penciller(s): Ron Wagner
Inker(s): Andy Owens
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Travis Lanham
Cover Artist(s): Carlos, D’Anda; Philip Tan; Howard Chaykin, Wil Quintana

The Scoobies have a plan: establish an oasis among all the monsters roaming the world, one that will provide a haven for humans that have not yet turned. They locate a mall, well-stocked with supplies and other needs where humanity can regroup. The only problem is that the mall is not entirely abandoned. It’s heavily populated by the creatures – two “armies,” dedicated to department stores Mears and CJ Nickels. The Scoobies need a plan, to clean out the mall and defeat the monsters within and without.

The story is much akin to the original cartoon series, in which the Scoobies split up and prowl around dark hallways hoping to avoid any monsters. This is followed by a crazy plan to meet their needs. All that’s missing is for someone to use the phrase “meddling kids.”

This issue also features the latest installment of Secret Squirrel. He and Moroccan Mole are on the case, if they can dodge the evil schemes of master assassin Wily Wolf. The story is mildly amusing if you’re a fan of the X Files. Me, not so much, but your mileage may vary.

I’m uncertain how long the post-apocalytpic premise of the series can survive before it runs out of steam. Establishing a haven for other survivors is a step in the right direction. Now all they need is the survivors to populate their stronghold. Additional supporting characters are needed.

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