
Johnny Bullet
Press Releases
Scamthology - An Anthology of Super Heists
By The Editor

May 30, 2014 - 12:24

Writer(s): Various
Penciller(s): Various
Inker(s): Various
Colourist(s): Various
Letterer(s): Various

In the pages of SCAM, Joe Mulvey to created a vast universe of colorful cons and crooks, with limitless storytelling potential. Joe and ComixTribe assembled some of the most talented writers and artists making waves in creator-owned comics today, and asked them to play in the SCAM sandbox.
15 Tales of Superpowered Heists and Hijinx

When extreme paranoia brings Hack to the office of Dr. Goodfellow, psychiatrist to the rich and powerful, issues get resolved that have little to do with his psychosis.

"The Nut Job" written by Tyler James (The Red Ten, EPIC), art by Will Robson (Unit 5), breakdowns by Jonathan Rector (The Standard), color by Dessi Cakra.

Hell hath no fury like Michelle scorned! Left for dead at the scene of a bank robbery, Michelle is determined to get her hands on the man responsible: her loving boyfriend!

"Guy Trouble" written by Rich Douek (Gutter Magic), art by Joe Eisma (Morning Glories), color by Hugo Froes.

The rest of the crew would never guess what their resident party animal, Pint, does with his free time. Sometimes the scammer is actually scamming himself.

"My Name is Pint" written by Josh Flanagan (The Remote, Boston), art by Doug Hills (Dixon's Notch), color by Hugo Froes.

Midas’ intended bank robbery goes wrong when masked gunmen attack first. Now it’s just a matter of survival.

"Withdrawal Symptoms" written by Jamie Gambell (Department O, The Hero Code), art by Daniel Picciotto, color by Miguel Marques.

After a con goes awry, the crew seek solace at a local bar, but Pint isn’t one to let a bad day ruin his entertainment!

"The Rounds" written by Steve Colle, art by Kirk Manley (Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers), color by Miguel Marques.

Pint has a very unique gift: the more alcohol he drinks, the stronger, faster and more durable he gets. But when he's given a near-impossible mission, just how much booze is he willing to chug to get the job done? And just how much of it will he remember in the morning?

"Hammered" written by John Lees (The Standard, And Then Emily Was Gone), art by Alex Cormack (Cuddlers, Oxymoron).

Tru awakens in a warehouse to a blinding spotlight shining in his face. Who is his captor and what is his deadly agenda? Now’s not the time for psychology; it’s time to get physical.

"The Machine" written by Ben McCool (Pigs, Choker), art by Alex Diotto (Southern Dog), color by Ty Tyner.

The Vegas skyline changes constantly as casino owners cut their current losing properties in order to attempt new venues and ventures. In the midst of a former Strip icon closing, Tru considers starting something new himself.

"The Fall of the Cherry Blossom" written by Nolan T. Jones (Colonial Souls), art by Joe Mulvey (SCAM).

Every memory is a lie, and everyone is a liar. Doc knows this best of all.

"The Big Lie" written by Paul Allor (Strange Nation, TMNT, GI Joe), art by Aaron Houston (Clockwork, Oxymoron), color by Ryan Lee.

Midas’ annual thefts at the JA New York Winter Show aren’t about the money as much as they are about the guilt he has towards his mamma.

"Guilt" written by Steve Forbes (Runners), art by Daniel J Logan (GhostTown, EXO-1), color by Vasco Sobral.

Three of Chiyoko Hashimoto’s briefcases are stolen by the crew and she’ll do anything to get them back, including running three high speed, high flying chases through the streets of Las Vegas. But are the contents of the cases what the con men are really after?

"Three Car Monte" written by Ryan K Lindsay (Fatherhood, Ghost Town), art by Adam Masterman (Echo Callaway), color by Vasco Sobral.

Michelle is conned by her own crewmates into stealing the jewels from a fetishist senator. Diamonds, that is.

"Let's Get This Party Started" written by Amy Chu (Girls Night Out), art by Brian Shearer (GI Joe, William the Last), color by Arsia Rozegar.

Mike the Bartender spins a classic fairy tale in a way you ain't never seen before!

"A SCAM Fairy Tale" written by Amy Chu, art by CP Wilson, III (The Stuff of Legend, Wraith), Joe Mulvey (SCAM), color by Ryan Lee.

 Hack is on a new anxiety medication, the side-effects of which put a heist in jeopardy.

"Ghost Shit" written by Joe Mulvey (SCAM), art by Nick Pitarra (Manhattan Projects).

The heist is over...what happens next will blow you away.

"Epilogue" written by Jason Ciaramella (The Cape), art by Joe Mulvey (SCAM), color by Ryan Lee.

To commemorate today's direct market release of the SCAM Ultimate Collection, a hardcover that contains the complete SCAM mini-series AND the SCAMthology, ComixTribe's Joe Mulvey and a crew of NYC-based contributors to the SCAMthology featured in the book are holding a release party at Forbidden Planet NYC Wednesday, May 28, from 6-8 pm.

The SCAM Ultimate Collection is a 270-page over-sized hardcover that includes SCAM, Mulvey's recently completed super-powered conman mini-series, as well as the SCAMthology, which features more than 100-pages of unpublished stories by creators including Amy Chu (CMYK, Girls Night Out), Ben McCool (Pigs, Choker), Rich Douek (Gutter Magic), who, along with SCAM's Eisner-nominated letter Deron Bennett, will all be at the event.

The SCAM Ultimate Collection was made possible by a successful Kickstarter campaign that wrapped up in February raising more that $27,000. Books will also begin shipping to Kickstarter backers this week, precisely on schedule for the June fulfillment date promised during the campaign.

"This is the ultimate version of a book I've had in my head for twenty years," said Mulvey. "The release party at Forbidden Planet will be a great opportunity to get the book into new readers' hands, and celebrate with some of the creators who helped make it even better."

Mulvey will also be giving out complimentary signed copies of SCAM #0: Crosswords to attendees of the Forbidden Planet NYC event while supplies last. New York area Kickstarter backers have the opportunity to pick up their rewards in person from Joe and the crew. Books can also be purchased from Forbidden Planet during the event for $34.99.

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