Marvel Comics
Runaways Vol.3 #3
By Zak Edwards
October 24, 2008 - 00:23
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Terry Moore
Penciller(s): Humberto Ramos
Inker(s): Dave Meikis
Colourist(s): Christina Strain
Letterer(s): Joe Carmagna
Cover Artist(s): Humberto Ramos
$2.99 US, $3.50 Canada
For all my faith in Terry Moore and his ability to create a good Runaways story, this issue has disappointed me. The series has always been a favourite of mine, being able to blend humour, teen drama, and superhero action while managing to stay a little out of the status quo. So while Moore seems to have a firm grasp on the already well-rounded main cast, I left this issue a little disappointed. Not worried for its future as much, but certainly disappointed.
My main problem with the issue is the final page. So yes, I am going to make a spoiler alert here. I am ruining a bit, but really the plot barely progressed this issue anyway, Apparently Nico’s “Scatter” spell had a little more effect than what she originally intended, scattering the Runaways in less subtle ways than the literal scattering of their enemies. The whole thing is overly contrived and mechanical, it left me feeling cheated. Moore is capable of so much more than this, I feel. I mean sure, Joss Whedon’s run before this story did give Nico some enhanced powers, but this seems like a very strange way of her dealing with this. It doesn’t really line up and the conclusion to me feels like it may play out like an episode of the “Fairly Odd Parents.” Nico has accidently wished for something and now she can’t simply wish for the reverse because of some technicality. Adventure and wacky hi-jinks ensue. Not to say this entire issue is bad or pointless. The issue is mostly a lot of waiting around, but Moore injects some very, very funny moments into the issue, making full use of both Molly and new-comer Klara’s naivety. The issue is laugh out loud. It’s just too bad the ending makes much of what happens in this issue feel superficial and silly.
For some reason Humberto Ramos’ grossly exaggerated cartoonish style did not annoy me as much this issue as the previous two. Perhaps I’ve just come to accept it and merely see the art for what it’s trying to convey instead of how it convey it. It’’s funny, for one of the jokes involving some physical humour, its Moore who makes the joke fall flat instead of Ramos. Ramos makes a scene with the humour understated and in the background but still very visible and it is Moore’s writing that clogs up and draws too much attention to what’s supposed to be funny. Its disappointingly American in its humour style. Not to take away from American humour, but sometimes subtlety works wonders for laughs and this is a prime example of how it was ruined.
6.5/10 Disappointing but with some redeemable qualities.
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