
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Superman #34
By Andy Frisk

December 12, 2017 - 20:42

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J Tomasi Patrick Gleason
Artist(s): Ed Benes Doug Mahnke Jack Herbert
Colourist(s): Dinei Ribeiro
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh

The Kents and Lex Luthor are transported to Apokolips where a prophesy of the "true god of Apokolips" is waiting to be filled. Is it Lex or Superman though? Meanwhile, Lois falls in with Granny Goodness and her horrors and proves to be tough enough to be one of them.


Superman, Lois, and Jon on Apokolips with Luthor. Ho-hum. I barely even read this issue all the way through. How many times have we seen Superman battle it out on Apokolips. Sadly, too often, and even more sadly, much more engagingly. I'm forever scarred and enthralled with John Byrne's early Post-Crisis, grimy, and truly horrifying portrayal of Apokolips WAY back in the early issues of the re-launched Superman title of 1987. This version of Apokolips is sleep inducing in comparison.

Putting aside the middling storytelling here, of which I'm heartily disappointed in since Tomasi and Gleason have been great thus far on Superman, the art is all over the place and highly inconsistent. The team of Benes, Mahnke, and Herbert is as rambling as the story line. Each artist is great and highly talented in their own right. How about we see one of them complete a full story. I was hoping Mahnke would remain the main artist on the series, but it appears that rushed schedule forbids it.

Hopefully, Superman #34 is just a filler story between greater arcs. Hopefully.

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