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Review: GWAR Orgasmegeddon #1
By Andy Frisk
June 7, 2017 - 21:02
Publisher(s): Dynamite Entertainment
Writer(s): Matt Maguire, Matt Miner
Artist(s): Jonathan Brandon Sawyer, Matt Maguire
Colourist(s): Marissa Louise, Doug Garbark
Letterer(s): Taylor Esposito
You don't have to know a single song by GWAR, to know that the dudes (and gals) in the band are some wild and crazy...beings. Who knew that at least one of them was this smart as well? Matt Maguire and Matt Miner (creator/writer of the legendary Toe Tag Riot) cook up what can only be described as the wittiest gorefest of a comic book ever made. It's gross, it's nasty, it's funny as hell and it even has a little of that signature Miner social exegesis, if you're into that thing...and you should be.
Basically, through a series of meta-fictional expositions, the reader of GWAR Orgasmegeddon discovers that the band, and somehow their manager, Sleezey P. Martini, end up sprinting around the space-time continuum in a penis shaped spaceship, screwing (pun intended) with human history by affecting it, in a surprisingly positive way, as they spooge along. Everything from Kurt Cobain's death to the murder of Nicole Simpson (of which OJ was acquitted of I probably have to add for some legalistic reasons) is fair game to Maguire and Miner. Nothing's sacred and everything's hilarious, except for one scene where Oderus Urungus is murdered by GWAR arch-villain Mr. Perfect, reminding the reader of the real life death of GWAR lead singer Dave Brockie a few years ago. For the most part though, GWAR's antics throughout time are intentionally silly, but what else would you expect? What makes the also somewhat convoluted story work is Miner's sly and socio-political humor. The man has an awesome hate for Nazis, or "alt-righters" or whatever those toilet brushes are calling themselves these days, and even takes the liberty of decapitating one in the first few pages. "SHLICK!"
There's decapitations aplenty here in GWAR Orgasmegeddon, and artist Jonathan Brandon Sawyer, along with Maguire, bring every blood spurt and rectal impaling to gloriously silly, yet affirmatively gross, life. The art is the most visually stunning though when splash pages featuring all our lovable, albeit most likely horrifically smelly, heroes in action together. The reader can seriously take more time visually dissecting the artistic minutiae that tells a story all its own on these pages than they can reading the entire comic, and it's not a short, light on words, book.
Maguire and Miner promise "Punchin' Nazis, Sinkin' Boats, Creatin' Gods, and a New Monster So Foul It'll Shock the Senses!" in the next issue. Honestly Maguire and Miner had me at "Punchin' Nazis," but I can't wait to see what kinda Gods (and grossness) these two come up with next.
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