DC Comics
Review: Action Comics #958
By Andy Frisk
June 22, 2016 - 12:28
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Patrick Zircher
Inker(s): Patrick Zircher
Colourist(s): Ulises Arreola
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Mikel Janin

Action Comics 958
The rebirth of the Post-Crisis Superman continues in Action Comics #958, and his first major battle in the Post-Flashpoint Universe is against the same enemy he battled in one of his final stories set in the Post-Crisis universe: Doomsday. Been there done that? Yes and no.
What's Happening: Strange events are afoot as the Post-Crisis Superman, who has returned to public action in the wake of the death of The New 52 Superman, ends up battling Doomsday alongside Lex Luthor, who is sworn to uphold the legacy of the departed New 52 Superman. Meanwhile, Clark Kent, whom everyone in the The New 52/Post-Flashpoint DCU knows is actually Superman, because New 52 Lois outed him to the world, launches into reporting action while Post-Crisis Lois and her son Jon (Post-Crisis Clark Kent and Lois' son) watch the proceedings on TV.
The Writing: Confused yet? Wow. Until this moment I myself, as a lifelong Superman fan, hadn't realized just how confused Superman's current story line and continuity is. It's actually worse than of the 1980s and 90s' X-Men. Dan Jurgens, who seems to be the go to guy when Superman needs a little kick in the pants writing wise, since he helmed the character through arguably his best moments (The Death and Return of Superman), puts Superman up against the character that DC Comics brings back to face Superman every time his titles need some instant attention and recognition: Doomsday. This time around though, the Doomsday vs. Superman battle is clouded by the strange goings on concerning the state of the Post-Crisis Superman in the Post-Flashpoint DCU and all the further strangeness surrounding this mystery Clark Kent. The whole thing would almost be meta if it weren't so darn confusing, but strangely fun at the same time.
The Artwork: Patrick Zircher does a good job bringing this whole convoluted, but interestingly strange mess to life. His Superman in action is sometimes a little stiff looking, but overall he captures the kinetic energy necessary to retread a Superman vs. Doomsday fight in downtown Metropolis. Everything unfolds a little quickly though so he doesn't have the opportunity to develop the type of detail that the first battle had as it unfolded in the pages of the Superman family of titles back in the early 1990s.
The Verdict: It's Post-Crisis Superman going though rebirth pains in the new legacy renumbered Action Comics...so 'nuff said...for now...still...
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