
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Red Hood, Outlaw #34
By Philip Schweier

May 8, 2019 - 07:31

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Scott Lobdell
Artist(s): Pete Woods
Colourist(s): Rex Lokus
Letterer(s): ALW’s Troy Peteri
Cover Artist(s): Cully Hamner; Yasmine Putri

”Prince of Gotham,” part 3, begins with a visit to Jason’s past, a time when he was seemingly recently resurrected and still learning his way among the living. It’s all very mystical and mysterious, setting the stage for a much more magical foe to challenge Jason in his takeover of Cobblepot’s criminal empire.

But Penguin was not without partners, and Jason journeys to Paris to pay his respects in person. But Jason has no respect, so for some (mostly the bad guys) it’s a wasted journey – as is his dinner date. For someone so near and dear to Jason (he says), his relationship with Isabel Ardila doesn’t seem very intimate. They eat, they chat (mostly about Roy Harper), they go their separate ways. Doesn’t sound very romantic.

I initially thought Jason’s friendship with Roy was a bit forced. I would think Roy would be more Dick Grayson’s best bud, but knowing how Oliver Queen feels about fat cat millionaires, and Jason’s strained relationship with Bruce Wayne, perhaps it makes sense for someone like Roy to relate more to Jason than Dick. Now that Roy is gone, I feel it’s time for Jason to bury him, emotionally speaking. I’m a wee bit tired of being reminded every issue that they were friends. I get it.

I could be wrong, but this seems to be one of those issues where pieces are being moved around the board prior to the next great conflict. Honestly, I fail to see how this particular chapter fits the greater narrative, so I will revisit the earlier chapters to refresh my memory. You may want to do the same before reading this issue.

Rating: 5/10

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