DC Comics
Nightwing The New Order #2
By Hervé St-Louis
August 18, 2018 - 15:21
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Kyle Higgins
Artist(s): Trevor McCarthy
Colourist(s): Dean White
Letterer(s): Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist(s): Trevor McCarthy
$3.99, 22 pages
Jake Grayson, Nightwing’s son manifests the powers of his mother, Starfire. Nightwing, now the leader of the Crusaders, the human-led force that hunts the remaining super-powered beings in the United States must take a stand about the future of his son. Will he surrender his son or not?
Sometimes, once skips a comic for a year before looking back and realizing what an error it was. I made such an error. Even starting with the second installment of this story, I was captivated by the tale of how Nightwing, the former Boy Wonder, whom everybody in the super hero community loved betrayed them and how he too became a fascist. Stories about Batman becoming a fascist are plentiful but one that takes after Nightwing is a fresh change.
Of course, most of the plot harkens back to the Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come, and Injustice. The change here, is that there is a child involved and that he narrates the story. I like the multiple dimensions opened about Nightwing’s character. The one story this “elseworld” reminds me the most is The Golden Age. It may be due to the colouring and the art.
I am not familiar with Trevor McCarthy, but he adds a lot of grit and realism to this story. I like the double-page spread of the Justice League going after the Legion of Doom. It felt like a classic shot of the old Super Friends’ cartoon series. The colouring reminds me of the one used in The Golden Age, drawn by Paul Smith. Strong magentas, oranges, and blues adorn the page and almost make the artwork suffocate. But the blacks still come off as very strong. It’s an interesting mix.
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