
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Nightwing #28
By Paul Mason

September 9, 2017 - 10:08

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Tim Seeley
Penciller(s): Javier Fernandez, Miquel Medonca
Inker(s): Javier Fernandez, Diana Egea
Colourist(s): Chris Sotomayor
Letterer(s): Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Artist(s): Javier Fernandez, Chris Sotomayor


Nightwing has discovered his former friend and Spyral agent Tiger has been responsible for a flood of illegal weapons and this issue opens with him confronting him and the revelation of the mastermind Mr. Minos.
Luckily as Mr. Minos captures Nightwing, the Huntress is on the trail to rescue him.

This story obviously calls back heavily to the New 52’s Dick Grayson agent of Spyral series, where Dick was a secret agent. It provides some closure to that story line.


As I see the appeal of a super spy nightwing, it makes sense from a character trajectory, for some reason the whole idea never truly struck a chord with me. So while I am glad we seem to have seen the last of that side of Dick's persona it dismays me a little that it followed him from New 52 to Rebirth. There is some thrilling dialogue and comic book action so I am not going to pan this, but I am ready to move on.

The art style is unique, with very little clean lines. It is a little messy on purpose and I admire the individuality of drawing a comic in such a style but it is not for me.

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