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Nexus: Space Opera #1 of 4
By Hervé St-Louis
July 11, 2007 - 22:25
Rude Dude Productions
Writer(s): Mike Baron
Penciller(s): Steve Rude
Inker(s): Gary Martin, Bob Wiacek, Steve Rude
It has been ten years since creators have published a story of Nexus. Here, we find that Sundra is pregnant and almost about to give birth. However, hidden in the slums of Ylum, villains are plotting to kill the baby. Their plan would destroy the fragile stability that Nexus has been trying to build, by inviting all refuges from the universe to settle on Ylum. Will Nexus’ heaven be overwrought by civil war and ethnic strife or will it remain a bastion for democracy and liberty?
Having not read a Nexus story for quite some time, I was not sure about all the nitty and gritty details. Yet the story was easy to hop on with a brief presentation of Ylum and the motivations of the main characters. The story, like before is direct, full of humour and unpretentious. While being simple, Baron manages to input current themes affecting our real world into his narrative. Everything in Nexus has a second degree. There was much to read and see.
The artwork was pleasant, but I must admit that I found Rude’s page crowded and that the storytelling was not the best. Much happens but it’s poorly layed out. A second read is necessary to capture all that was included. In a sense, this crowded style worked in the past but in these stern days where comic books are filled with no more than five panels, a story with a complicated page layout like Rude’s is not easy to read. I believe it might even be detrimental to newer readers unfamiliar with Nexus.
Remaining true to the original style, the colouring has a limited palette. Again, this is not a good call. The world of comic book making has changed and evolved. It is important for creators such as Rude to adapt to something more modern. I’m not calling for Rude to change his style. It is great. But updating Nexus a little bit would help make the book more reader friendly.
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