Marvel Comics
New Mutants #50 Review
By Andy Frisk
November 4, 2012 - 19:50
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Penciller(s): Felix Ruiz
Inker(s): Klebs
Colourist(s): Val Staples w/Jesus Aburto
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): John Tyler Christopher
$2.99 US
Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning wrote the only X-Family book recently published that actually felt like the X-Family books of old did. Their New Mutants was the closest thing that us X-Men fans got to the original glory days of Chris Claremont's Uncanny X-Men and New Mutants (Vol. I). Abnett and Lanning also wrote the only book where Xavier's Dream was really and truly being realized. The New Mutants team lived alongside everyday humans and took care of cleaning up the loose ends left over from the many years of the X-Men's half finished battles and adventures. Along the way they developed some really interesting and fun side stories like Amara's short lived relationship with Mephisto, a new romance for Dani Moonstar and Nate Grey, the revival of Warlock as one of the most interesting (even if he's not technically a mutant) and fun X-characters, and another well put together alternate/apocalyptic averted future storyline. New Mutants had a little bit of everything for everyone, but of course such books often times are accused of not having a defining direction and end up getting cancelled. Personally, I think New Mutants got cancelled because it was an X-Book without an "X" in the title and therefore didn't sell well...maybe...
Regardless, New Mutants #50 ties up all of Abnett and Landing's dangling story lines including those involving Warlock, Doug's down in the dumps mood, the tension between Cannoball and Dani (they were dating until Dani decided to hook up with Nate Grey), and Amara and Mephisto's fling. Basically, New Mutants #50 really boils down to a "putting of all the toys back in the toy box like they found them" type of issue. Looks like not much of what Abnett and Lanning did with the characters is going to seriously stick.
Oh well, this is the norm with most of the big properties (unlike Superman for some strange reason-a character that DC Comics has decided to completely ruin recently). Writers come along, get to play with the characters, then have to put them back unbroken and unchanged. At least we got a fun and thrilling adventure each month in the style of the old school X-Men for a while. Thanks Mr. Abnett and Mr. Lanning for giving us at.
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