Marvel Comics
Nemesis #4
By Hervé St-Louis
January 8, 2011 - 22:41
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Mark Millar
Penciller(s): Steve McNiven
Inker(s): Steve McNiven
Colourist(s): Dave McCaig
Letterer(s): Clayton Cowles
Cover Artist(s): Steve McNiven
$2.99 US
It’s Nemesis versus police chief Blake Morrow and only one will survive the encounter. How long does police chief Blake Morrow has to live?
This series ends the same way it started: with a bang. One caveat though. Don’t believe the hype from Marvel Comics about this comic book being the most controversial thing of 2010. It’s not. It’s just another comic book about some guy shooting and killing people left and right. Frankly, I’ve seen more gore and blood in Invincible this year and that series is supposed to a general comic book super hero title. The story is not bad at all, but it’s written as if the reader was expected to go “Oh my God” every second page like some kind of 1950s housewife half-bred with a Victorian lady. I’m totally not jaded. There are comic books and films that I won’t watch because of the amount of senseless violence and gore. But Nemesis is definitely not the comic book that will make me go prude on comics. And that’s the problem with Nemesis. It bet the banks on the fact that readers will just dig the senseless violence and think that it’s cool and new and provocative. Well, there’s nothing provocative about Nemesis, not even the ending which it turns out feel oddly similar like something I’ve witnessed in a couple of Hollywood films recently, but I can’t tell which one. That’s not good at all then. It means Nemesis is just another rip off, another comic book of the week and not the special event readers are led to believe it is.
Visually, McNiven delivers. He’s not the goriest artist either. Instead, he has a fine control over the characters’ faces and designs and goes for the maximum wide panel format as if this comic book was indeed a film. It’s a better trick than relying outfight on splash pages to tell a story as he can actually have many major shots in a single page. However, it doesn’t make for the best laid out and well flowing story. It’s a bunch of mini splash pages strung together as if they were a comic book. So, should you get the last issue of Nemesis? I say yes. I was entertained. All I’m saying, is don’t believe the hype.
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