DC Comics
Justice League of America #24
By Hervé St-Louis
October 29, 2008 - 21:35
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Dwayne McDuffie
Penciller(s): Allan Goldman
Inker(s): Prentis Rollins, Rodney Ramos, Derek Fridolfs
Colourist(s): Pete Pantazis
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Ed Benes, Pete Pantazis
$2.99 US, Canada
Amazo continues to rampage through the ranks of the Justice League and the situation is dire for the super heroes. This artificial being that can absorb the powers of all the Leaguers is the fiercest opponent yet. Can the Justice League defeat a threat that takes the source of its powers and smarts from the members of the League?
This issue is a continuation of the two-year storyline about the latest incarnation of the Justice League begun by Brad Meltzer. It feels like little has advanced with this series as it still feel like we are reading a Year One storyline, where the writers built up the League for the future, by focusing on internal threats.
Fortunately, this second standoff with Amazon is better than the one penned by Meltzer a year ago. Duffy is a better choreographer of action and understands how to stage action without burying it under layers of captions or trying to explain frame by frame with copy, what is happening visually.
There are a few plot problems in the story like the fact that Amazo, using Black Canary’s canary cry can also affect her, while it’s been established that she is immune to her own power and other sound attacks. However, there are clever moments, such as how Zatanna protects herself from Amazon and how she reverts the spell he used on her.
Guess artist Goldman does a good job of telling this action-based story. The difference in storytelling with regular artist Ed Benes is easy to see. Goldman is not a pro storyteller, but after two years of gruelling with an artist that just cannot understand how to tell a story visually, it’s a fresh change.
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