DC Comics
Justice League Generation Lost #4
By Hervé St-Louis
July 11, 2010 - 08:29
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Judd Winick, Keith Giffen
Penciller(s): Joe Bennett
Inker(s): Jack Johnson
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi Colors
Letterer(s): Swands
Cover Artist(s): Tony Harris, JD Mettler, Kevin Maguire
$2.99 US
Rocket Red is back fighting the Justice League. However, the man fighting the heroes is different from the squad sent after Captain Atom, Fire, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, and Ice. What does this mean now that Maxwell Lord is trying to make life difficult for the heroes?
I like this issue. There was more humour than in past ones. It’s creeping in slowly and Let’s hope that Geoff Johns who seems to hate anything from the humorous Justice League International days doesn’t see this. The gang is almost all back and I’m feeling better about this series. Why is it that we can’t have a funny Justice League anymore because a couple of people lacking any sense of humour and more interested in gore want to erase anything that show super heroes having fun while fighting villains? I like how long it took the heroes to figure out that Maxwell Lord was trying to recreate their team.
Bennett is a good value but his facial expressions are not all the way to the level of some of the classic artists that have worked with this specific team of the Justice League.
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