DC Comics
Justice League Generation Lost #1
By Hervé St-Louis
May 25, 2010 - 07:44
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Keith Giffen, Judd Winick
Penciller(s): Keith Giffen, Aaron Lopresti
Inker(s): Matt Ryan
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi Colors
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Tony Harris, JD Metler, Kevin Maguire
$2.99 US
Booster Gold, Fire, Ice and Captain Atom, all former members of the Justice League International are looking for Maxwell Lord, the man who created the old team and nearly took over the world. But they are the only ones to remember him as Lord has erased memory of his return to life from everybody. Can they stop their former boss?
The first surprise that I had when I started reading this issue is that all the jokes were left out. I expected a series by Giffen to have funny situations and play personalities against one another. The characters were there, but the classic mix that made the Justice League International a hit with readers is gone. I understand that there is a vocal group in the fan community and even at DC Comics that felt the funny Justice League was an insult to the property. I’m one of those readers that actually felt it was one of the best interpretation of the Justice League.
The story was good, although it missed a magic touch. Without the banter and the jokes, it felt like I was reading just another comic book series with B characters. Although I know Giffen knows these characters inside out, I didn’t feel their quirky personalities at all here. I would read more of this series, but feel cheated that the best and unique part of this team is gone. Nevertheless, if you are discovering this series, you won’t go wrong with it. It’s a good one so far. If you’re like me and miss the old funny Justice League charm, this one will do in terms of action, but will not completely satisfy.
Lopresti is a solid artist. The art is very strong with good backgrounds behind the characters. The storytelling is great and moves the story along quite well.
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