
Johnny Bullet
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Invincible #83
By Hervé St-Louis

October 9, 2011 - 17:01

Publisher(s): Image Comics
Writer(s): Robert Kirkman
Penciller(s): Ryan Ottley
Inker(s): Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn
Colourist(s): John Rauch
Letterer(s): Rus Wooton
Cover Artist(s): Ryan Ottley, FCO Plascencia
$2.99 US

Mark Grayson is introduced to the reanimated army of his alternate selves used by Cecil. How will he cope with Cecil’s constant lies? Elsewhere some minor villains are causing more problems than expected and destroying an entire city. Can Invincible save the day?

The new nicer Invincible who’s able to turn the other cheek is still interesting and Kirkman continues to make the comic book worth reading. While Mark Grayson has changed, nothing around him has and villains still need to be stopped. The subplot with the two B villains was hard to understand. Where does it lead; what’s the whole point? There are other plots brewing but the series seems to be going into a crossover with the Guardians of the Globe. Is this series about Invincible or the Guardians of the Globe?

Ottley continues to draw this series with a passion, although his figures are becoming more cartoony. Colourist John Rauch softraces many of the lines in this comic which is new here. It does reinforce the cartoon look of this series. It doesn’t look bad at all. It’s good to see the series growing visually, even if I don’t like how Ottley’s work is changing. It’s not bad at all, just not what I’m used from the artist.

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