DC Comics
Injustice 2 #2
By Paul Mason
May 17, 2017 - 06:40
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Tom Taylor
Penciller(s): Bruno Redondo
Inker(s): Juan Alberran
Colourist(s): Rex Lotus
Letterer(s): Wes Abbott
Cover Artist(s): Bruno Redondo, Alejandro Sanchez
For a comic based on a video game this is surprisingly deep. It opens with a Batman recruiting his own suicide squad to help keep the peace now Superman has been defeated. Mere panels later we get a Batman vs. BATMAN fight and Bruce gets his butt kicked. Shortly thereafter is a touching proposal from Black Canary to Green Arrow which of course Batman interrupts.
I lolled several times in this issue almost as much as I gasped in the twists and turns again this series combines humour with action in a fine balance.
Again the art in this issue blew my mind so gorgeous each panel spoke to me visually.
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