
Johnny Bullet
Marvel Comics
Indestructible Hulk #7 Review
By Andy Frisk

May 26, 2013 - 00:58

Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Mark Waid
Penciller(s): Walter Simonson
Inker(s): Walter Simonson
Colourist(s): Andres Mossa
Letterer(s): Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist(s): Walter Simonson

Still trapped in a past era Jotunheim, Bruce Banner/The Hulk and his crew of SHIELD assigned scientists continue their battle with the ice giants of the mythical realm assisted by a Thor who is a native of said past era, and therefore doesn't know Banner/Hulk. Thor knows a good fight (and the good guys) when he sees them though, so things don't go to well for the ice giants...

Packed with the smart fun and a well sprinkled dose of gravitas, much like he brings to Daredevil every month from Marvel Comics, comics scribe Mark Waid continues to weave an interesting Marvel NOW! version of the Marvel Comics' fan favorite character: The Indestructible Hulk. While the fact that Hulk is still wearing an armored suit is still kind of silly, there isn't anything silly about how Waid is steadily developing an engaging supporting cast for Banner/Hulk to work with. Each has their own quirks and problems, and continue to become more and more interesting in their own right each month. Waid manages to bring back to the Marvel Comics that he writes something of the fun, yet realistically characterized, stories that we used to get from Marvel Comics back in the mid 70s to mid 80s. Any issue of Daredevil or Indestructible Hulk that I pick up and read, while being totally contemporary, manages to somehow magically transport me back thematically and atmospherically to the glory days of Marvel Comics.

Speaking of glory days, it's always a glorious day when readers of a Marvel Comic are treated to Walter Simonson's brilliant artwork. It's an even more glorious when said comic book contains Simonson's character defining take on The Mighty Thor as well. Simonson's run on the The Mighty Thor a few decades ago remains one of the best runs that any artist/writer had on the character and seeing Simonson draw Thor yet again, brings a simple joy to my heart that is priceless. Walter Simonson's version of Thor will always be close to my heart, and I love it when I see new Thor artwork from him.

There's plenty of great comics, stories, and artwork being put out there by the good folks at Marvel Comics these days, and Indestructible Hulk is one of the best of the lot.

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