
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Harley Quinn #53
By Philip Schweier

November 7, 2018 - 05:01

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Sam Humphries
Artist(s): Lucas Werneck
Colourist(s): Alex Sinclair
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Guillem March, Tomeu Morey; Frank Cho

Harley has become an Internet sensation. No doubt from her own appeal, but also residual likes from Bat-fans everywhere, Harley has more followers and is eagerly cultivating more with every wacky stunt she pulls. But she’s not the only one with dreams of becoming web famous.

Enter Minor Disaster (daughter of Major Disaster) who has created her own “disaster dial.” However it’s hardly effective, capable of only inducing a lover’s quarrel, which could easily be coincidence at best. Jealous of Harley’s Internet notoriety, she sets her sites on taking down the Coney Island clown. (Hey, Minor – here’s a hint: maybe the reason your dad isn’t responding to your texts is because he’s DEAD. Killed by Superboy Prime in Infinite Crisis).

Dragging a minor villain out of storage and giving them a child we never knew they had seems questionable. If it works, you eventually end up with an A-list character; if it fails, no harm to a D-lister’s soon-to-be-forgotten heir. Is there any risk? No. Is there any gain? Unlikely. Is there any genuine chance of success? In yet another vague Magic 8-Ball answer, odds don’t look good.

Somehow, all this sounds familiar, like a bad teen movie. A couple of teen girls squabble over some imagined offense, leading to alternate misplaced joy and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Eventually it escalates beyond their control and they are forced to make peace. It’s so juvenile a situation, you don’t know who to root for. Hopefully this will end quickly.

Rating: 3/10

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