DC Comics
Green Lantern Corps #37
By Avi Weinryb
June 30, 2009 - 00:14
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J. Tomasi
Penciller(s): Patrick Gleason
Inker(s): Rebecca Buchman, Tom Nguyen
Colourist(s): Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer(s): Steve Wands
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Sodam Yat, the superstar Lantern makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the people of Daxam in their battle against the evil Sinestro Corps. Thanks to his actions, every man woman and child is imbued with powers equivalent to those of Superman. Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere, Lanterns Sarek and Ash meet each other. They were both sent on the same mission, to retrieve the body of the Anti-Monitor. In doing so, they are unknowingly setting the Blackest Night into place; The dreaded prophecy which will wreak havoc on the universe.
Unbeknownst to the two men, they are being watched by a figure that happens to be wearing a one-of-a-kind ring which will soon become all too common as the dead begin to rise. A great distance away, on planet Oa, all convicts break loose, and a motley crew of Green Lanterns and criminals aid in containing the Yellow and Red Lantern warriors.
Peter J. Tomasi is firing on all cylinders when it comes to the GL Corps title. This book has been consistently bouncing with action – the characters pop off the page, and the intertwined storylines continue to amp up as the Blackest Night crossover event approaches. There are lots of fun moments to behold in this book, including the return of Bolphunga the Unrelenting – an Alan Moore creation and longtime foe of Guy Gardner. When Daxamites gain Superman-like abilities in an instant, it’s a hilarious moment featuring flying kids and a diapered baby firing heat vision while flipping upside down.
The Patrick Gleason illustrations continue to shine – his pencils are consistently emotionally evocative and pleasurable to behold. The second page is very reminiscent of a panel from Watchmen, which is strangely fitting considering it features a character first formulated by Alan Moore. Later, a faint, silhouetted illustration of a so far unseen key character is teased well, showing just enough so that long-time readers will be aware of who it is, while maintaining a small surprise for newcomers. Rebecca Buchman and Tom Nguyen are extremely capable in the ink department. Gabe Eltaeb provides an excellent pallet of colors.
The GL Corps title continues to entertain, and it’s a monthly installment of a ride I do not seek to see end any time soon. Lots of action, drama, and laughs – I don’t expect anything less from a mainstream superhero monthly. If you are not in the Green Lantern camp yet, do some catching up and join up.
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