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Green Hornet Year One #3
By Hervé St-Louis
June 1, 2010 - 21:44
Publisher(s): Dynamite Entertainment
Writer(s): Matt Wagner
Penciller(s): Aaron Campbell
Inker(s): Aaron Campbell
Colourist(s): Francesco Francavilla
Letterer(s): SSimon Bowland
Cover Artist(s): John Cassaday, Francesco Francavilla
$3.99 US
This story tells the tale of how Kato first met with Britt Reid and became his lifelong servant and sidekick. Caught in China during Japan’s attack on China and witnessing the horrors of his fellow Japanese patriots, Kato switches side and fight his countrymen until caught. But Reid saves him just in time to create a friendship that will take them all the way to Chicago where they will fight mobsters. This is finally the story that should have been told for the first two issues explaining the bond between the two heroes. There’s always been a racist context in the Green Hornet’s relationship with Kato where the former is less skilled and talented than the man that serves him and drives him around. Wagner doesn’t deal with that issue head on, but helps alleviate criticism about the white guy who bosses around the yellow guy. Kato’s devotion to the Green Hornet is explained more in cultural obligation mode than in terms Westerners are used to. Let’s hope future stories delve deeper in this aspect of the characters. The artwork is just right with a 1940s feel to it that fits well. It’s also dark and nourish, but with vibrant colours, just like an old pulp comic book. It’s a winning formula for this reviewer.
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