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Ghost #2 Review
By Andy Frisk
November 28, 2012 - 20:04
Publisher(s): Dark Horse Comics
Writer(s): Kelly Sue DeConnick
Penciller(s): Phil Noto
Inker(s): Phil Noto
Colourist(s): Phil Noto
Letterer(s): Richard Starkings and COMICRAFT
Cover Artist(s): Phil Noto
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After stealing the files from Opal-Fylleth Innovation, the company that Dr. Linda October and Chicago's mayor (and demon) worked, she discovers her true identity. Meanwhile, Dr. October, now hideously scarred by Chicago's evil mayor, makes her diabolical debut!
Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick begins to bring the back story of Elisa Cameron AKA Ghost into slightly sharper focus when Eliza discovers her identity. It appears that she has some connection to a whole group of women who have gone missing over the past several decades, and is possibly one of them. DeConnick also brings one of the greatest female comic book villains ever back to frightening life as Dr. October makes her full on debut. DeConnick does a wonderful job of referencing the old Ghost stories of a few decades ago while infusing new life into them and taking them in a new direction. Most awesomely, Ghost finally brandishes her (once) trademark sidearms!
Phill Noto, the series artist brings DeConnick's story to life excellently, even if his style is quite different from the original Ghost artists Adam Hughes, Scott Benefeil and inker Jason Rodriguez, it is beginning to grow on me.
One of the most interesting and best 1990s hero revivals (outside of the excellent new Valiant Comics books) Ghost is a must read.
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