Fantastic Felix Friday
By Beth Davies-Stofka
September 24, 2010 - 07:00
Publisher(s): IDW Publishing
Writer(s): Craig Yoe and Don Oriolo
ISBN: 978-1-60010-705-4
224 pages, $34.99
Today, The Comic Book Bin is participating in an unprecedented event. Bloggers everywhere are celebrating the return of Felix the Cat in a single great blogging event known as Fantastic Felix Friday.
The Bin is joining forces with these bloggers to celebrate Felix the Cat: The Great Comic Book Tails, brought to you by the classy Yoe Books! imprint from IDW. It's a beautiful hardcover art book, lovingly presented in full color, collecting the best of brilliant Felix the Cat comic book stories from
the 1940s and 50s. Each one of us is posting a different complete "tail"! Some are from the book, and some are drawn from the bloggers' personal collections. All of them feature Felix, that wonderful, wonderful cat.
We're also linking to every one of the blogs. We're creating a Felix Maelstrom of Mirth throughout the
Scroll down to read The Bin's complete Felix story, a particular favorite of mine called Starburst. It starts innocently enough, a simple little bit of silliness. It becomes increasingly fantastic, its humor intricate and double-edged, before ending with a bit of silliness, and a friendly wave. This is the apex of comics! It defines cartooning.
Just click on each image in sequence (below). Then visit these blogs to read other Felix stories:
Then get your own copy of this special book! In addition to a lot of other delightful stories, you'll also find
rare Felix art, ephemera, animation insights, and introductions by Joe Oriolo and editor/designer Craig Yoe. Find agreeably-priced copies by clicking http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1600107052/ref=nosim/yoecom-20/102-3893048-6829708. Righty-O.
We can hear you laughing!
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