DC Comics
Faker #4
By Zak Edwards
October 11, 2007 - 12:53
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Mike Carey
Penciller(s): Jock
Cover Artist(s): Jock
Faker #4
Faker is personally one of my favorite comic book series I’m reading right now. While I don’t review most of the comic books I read, this one I feel compelled to tell people about. This science fiction story dealing with identity, college, and acceptance is filled with impressive characters and even more impressive story telling techniques. Vertigo Comics is not a publisher known for putting out sub-par work, and this series does not disappoint. Carey’s cast continues to get more enveloped in the cause and effects of their friend Nick’s literal loss of identity. But the kids have bigger problems, being held prisoner in some sort of research compound. Please note that this series, as well as all comics published by Vertigo, are for mature readers only as it contains a lot of foul language.
Carey relies on a character-driven story for Faker, putting the technology as a gateway for his story rather than the focus. The character of Jessie especially continues to shine. Offensive and obnoxious, she seems to be more of an antagonist that protagonist. She is trying to help in her own way, apparently by antagonizing and insulting the kids captors. She really shines in this issue as a leader and humanizes herself in her interactions with Nick, yet stays away from defining herself as a good or bad person. Carey also adds depth to the whole cast with their individual responses to the predicaments thrust upon them. Some retreat, some lash out, all of them bicker. It makes for a believable fiction, even if the science part can’t actually happen. The story itself is propelled through the impulsive actions of key characters, giving the feel of the kids themselves directing the story insteadof an author. Plus, impulse is how many people lead their lives and while not a terrible way to live, some negative effects of that choice can be seen here. Carey reflects life in college and real life, despite unrealistic circumstances. With only two issues left, I fear Faker will end before I want it to.
Jock’s art is highly stylized, with some crazy colour palette choices. Dramatic shading and panels of bright colouring make for a unique experience. The panelling is almost as eccentric as the rest of it but without losing flow. Easy to read and easy on the eyes, what more can a reader ask for?
9/10 Faker is one of the best mini-series currently going.
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