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Eternal Warrior #2 Review
By Andy Frisk

October 6, 2013 - 20:29

Publisher(s): Valiant Entertainment
Writer(s): Greg Pak
Penciller(s): Trevor Hairsine, Brian Reber, Clayton Crain
Letterer(s): Simon Bowland

Gilad Anni-Padda, The Fist and Steel of the Earth No More, wants nothing to do with his estranged (and also immortal) daughter Xaran's fight to re-establish order over the chaos that has ensued since Gilad left his post as Fist and Steel. He might have no other choice but to rejoin the fight though as the Sword of The Wild closes in on Xaran for the kill. But Gilad will only re-enter the fight on his own terms, and with only his own goal in mind...

Effortlessly moving between the African plains of today and the battlefields of Oklahoma in 1877 during yet another Native American extermination, Eternal Warrior #2 deepens the mystery of what is going on, on a world wide scale, concerning the battle between the forces of order and chaos that Gilad has abandoned, but that the Earth might desperately need his help with. Gilad has disregarded the precise desires of the Earth before to apparently dire consequences with his actions in  Oklahoma 1877, and he is doing so again. Xaran, Gilad's formerly bloodthirsty daughter who refused to listen to Gilad's reason in Ancient Mesopotamia now strangely displays the strongest voice of reason between the two of them. The dynamism, and apparent role reversal, that Pak weaves between the two characters continues the Valiant tradition for great characterization and storytelling.

In this issue, Trevor Hairsine and Clayton Crain (Carnage) share the artistic duties. Hairsine continues to create a highly kinetic, if a bit rough hewn, look that suits the contemporary story's timeline and Crain's beautifully detailed work brings to brilliant life all the nuances and details of the past timeline story's Old West setting. The contrast between the two's artwork is highly appealing visually. Often when two artists with such differing styles collaborate on the same book the jarring switches back and forth can be unsettling to the story's flow (not to mention the readers' eyes), but here the flow between the two is seamless. Hopefully the creative editors behind Eternal Warrior will continue to use other artists to bring to life the exotic past locations that should bookend or preface the majority of Eternal Warrior's issues.

Still one of the most interesting and dynamic characters ever to emerge from the Valiant U, Gilad Anni-Padda's adventures in Eternal Warrior are a must read.


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