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Doodle Jump Comics #1
By Hervé St-Louis
July 7, 2014 - 15:20
Publisher(s): Dynamite Entertainment
Writer(s): Meredith Gran
Penciller(s): Steve Uy
Colourist(s): Steve Uy
Letterer(s): Bll Tortolini
Cover Artist(s): Meredith Gran, Steve Uy, James Silvani, Agnes Garbowska
Doodler lands on a snowy mountain without any memory of who he is. Nasty penguins are after him. Enter Triple, a small imp who was seeking him. Triple shows Doodler how to escape the penguins and trick them into falling into a trap. Now comes the time for the pair to seek the Knower. Will Doodler figure out who he is? This series adapts the popular mobile game to comics.
Before reading the comic book, I knew nothing about Doodle Jump, not having downloaded it. The comic book is kid-friendly but not patronizing. It’s a simple story with simple characters. I like Triple a lot yet can’t wait for Doodler to grow a personality and take centre stage. So far, Triple is the reader’s guide to this weird universe. Doodler is our eyes, although he is the hero of the series. I’m not sure what the long term plan for this series is. I think Dynamite is taking a risk with it if they can’t sell it to the right market. I think it would do well if seen by kids or casual readers in digital or Web comics. I’m not sure this is standard comic book fare. IDW Publishing’s Angry Birds faces a similar challenge. I like these comics and they look good. But if they are not sold to the right readers their experiments will fail.
Since I’m comparing this series to Angry Birds, I have to say that the birds look much better. I like the roughness and line quality of the doodles but they look less polished than the Angry Birds comic. While the colours are bright, the shading on the character makes them look dirty. Perhaps this is the intended look for the series but it looks dirty.
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