
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Dial H for Hero #3
By Philip Schweier

May 22, 2019 - 07:52

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Sam Humphries
Artist(s): Joe Quinones, Arist Deyn
Colourist(s): Jordan Gibson, Arist Deyn
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Joe Quinones

The 1960s were a strange time in comics, when men in their 40s were trying to share the voice of people (boys, mostly) in their teens. And it’s still true today that there is nothing more embarrassing than a parent trying to be hip. Thus, we had “groovy” dialogue from the likes of Snapper Carr and Robby Reed, creator of a website and author of many articles.


But instead of Miguel using the H dial, this time it’s his partner, Summer. Her secret origin is presented here – both hers as Summer and hers as Lo Lo Kick You. Lo Lo is a mix between Courtney Love, Harley Quinn and that surly girl what sat next to me in freshman English. Didn’t like her then, don’t like her now. As always, it’s the secret identity – the “normal” person behind the mask – that’s more interesting.


With Summer is her Lo Lo persona, the story is a bit hard for me to digest. In electronic format, I struggled to read the sideways text before the iPad rotated the image. I recommend buying the actual comic if you’re that committed to the series. Sure, I could lock the screen orientation, but for a page or two out of so many other comics, I really shouldn’t have to.


A high point of this issue was discovering how addicting the H dial is. Users become dependent on it, much like other sources of a high, and that’s reflected in Summer’s backstory with her mother. I hope to see this aspect of the H dial play out in other forms with other people.


Rating: 6/10

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