
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Detective Comics #1005
By Philip Schweier

June 12, 2019 - 08:07

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J. Tomasi
Penciller(s): Brad Walker
Inker(s): Andrew Hennessy
Colourist(s): Nathan Fairbairn
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Brad Walker, Nathan Fairbairn; Stepan Sejic

It’s the final showdown between Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder, and the Arkham Knight. She is determined to expose Batman as the curse to Gotham she believes him to be. Her strategy is to remove that in which he thrives – the darkness. And to help her, she’s recruited some of Arkham’s lesser inmates.


But Batman is not without allies of his own. Robin proves himself to be the deserving partner of the Dark Knight. Not just an heir (apparently), but an equal shareholder in the Bat-franchise. I must admit, Damian always struck me as the latest in a string of Boy Hostage roles, but he aquits himself admirably, as well as Dick Grayson ever did.


Walker, Hennessy and Fairbairn turn in some of the best art of this entire story arc. It’s dynamic, it’s tricky, and overall effective in conveying the terror, the challenge and the victory of our heroes. I’m usually skeptical when new villains are introduced, but Arkham Knight was provided a pretty substantial stage on which to maker her debut.


But, in typical comic book fashion, any ending is just a new beginning. I look forward to what comes next from our creative team. I hope they stick around for a while. They’ve certainly got the next 1,000 issues of Detective Comics off to a great start.


Rating: 9/10

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