Marvel Comics
Dark Wolverine #78
By Hervé St-Louis
September 22, 2009 - 06:37
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Marjorie Liu, Daniel Way
Penciller(s): Stephen Segovia
Inker(s): Stephen Segovia
Colourist(s): Marte Gracia
Letterer(s): Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Greg Land, Khoi Pham
$2.99 US
Daken, the Dark Wolverine has been witnessed killing innocent bystanders and Norman Osborn is trying to fix the mess by hiring a bunch of misfits and making them take the fall for his Dark Avenger’s faults. But will that be enough to convince the public that Daken is really a hero or will the misfits have a twist of their own planned?
A lot happens in this issue just to set up the battle royal at the end of the issue between Daken and the misfits recruited by Osborn to take the fall for the Avenger. Somehow, it felt too much and the story loss its focus until the end where it all came together. Way doesn’t do disjointed storytelling as good as Brian Bendis or Quentin Tarantino and maybe should stick to linear stories for now.
I’m not a fan of Segovia’s work. He makes women’s breast stupidly huge and draws their hair as floating in the wind, even inside a closed office. His storytelling is all over the place as he favours expressing and showing off his art work and weird angles as opposed to sticking to the script and delivering something the average reader can decipher without having the rebuild a puzzle that ultimately doesn’t make sense.
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