The heroes gather once more for the funeral of a Titan. It should be a poignant, heart-tugging event as the fallen hero's friends come together to mourn him. And there are some genuinely moving scenes in this issue. But by now death has become a rather humdrum affair in the DC universe. It is used for cheap shock value and is easily reversible-- something made very clear in this issue with the presence of the recently-deceased Donna Troy and Jason Todd monitoring the funeral. Incidentally, two other mid-level DC players are killed off in this issue as well. But are they really dead? And are we still suppose to care? There are also more details on the mysterious Monarch and his new lackey, Forerunner-- whose entire race is wiped out off-panel. The character herself barely reacts to this news. So why should we feel anything more? The art is serviceable but nothing memorable, despite the intensity of feeling that the characters are suppose to have. If DC wants the deaths of their heroes to have meaning, then they should be used more sparingly, or at least, presented with more drama. Two out of five stars.