Marvel Comics
Civil War: Choosing Sides #1
By Hervé St.Louis
November 12, 2006 - 14:50
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Marc Guggenheim, Robert Kirkman, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Mike Oeming, Ty Templeton, Jim McCann
Penciller(s): Leinil Yu, Phil Hester, David Aja, Scott Kolins, Roger Langdridge, Alex Chung
Inker(s): Leinil Yu, Ande Parks, David Aja, Scott Kolins, M3th
Cover Artist(s): Leinil Yu
This book is an anthology containing introduction to several series and mini-series launched from the Civil War’s event occurring in Marvel’s Universe. The stories are different in tone and serve as a sample for readers.
The tone of most stories is humorous. That’s a good thing because I thought this book was something relevant to the Civil War, like you know, an important part of the grand scheme of this gigantic crossover. In that regards, it’s useless. The stories are good introductions with the Guiding Light story that crosses over with the television soap opera as the worst of the bunch - but still funny.
The artwork is the best thing about this book. The weakest part being the story drawn by Leinil Yu. I know Marvel wants to turn him into their next super star, but I have my doubts. His storytelling is confusing and except from some cool rendering, every few pages, his work is not attractive. Scott Kolins provides the strongest artwork, which should be the highlight of the next Alpha Flight series called Beta Flight. This book provides a fun break from other comic books, but is not a must buy.
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