Marvel Comics
Captain America #1 Review
By Andy Frisk
November 25, 2012 - 16:12
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): RIck Remender
Penciller(s): John Romita, Jr
Inker(s): Klaus Janson
Colourist(s): Dean White
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Caramagna
$3.99 US
Cap is tired. He'd love some sleep, but there is no rest for the just either it seems. After taking down The Green Skull, a radical left-wing eco-terrorist bent on destroying NYC, he ends up investigating and then riding a NYC subway that's been following an "ancient line abandoned eighty plus years ago" for his SHIELD agent and sort of girlfriend Sharon Carter. He ends up in an alternate dimension (or something) dominated by classic Captain America villain and "bio-fanatic" Arnim Zola. Zola is attempting to steal the secrets of Cap's super-soldier serum in order to duplicate it in an infant...or something...Anyway, Cap won't let any innocent die, especially because of him...
Rick Remender, John Romita, Jr, and Klaus Janson launch Steve Rogers AKA Captain America into the world of Marvel NOW! by separating him from the Marvel U proper and launching him into what looks to be a long adventure in "Dimension Z" with Captain America #1 "Castaway in Dimension Z Chapter One." His Captain America is tired and pushed to the limit and I can't help but wonder if Remender is himself as well. His stories in Uncanny X-Force were built around alternate dimensions, Celestially created, highly evolved bio-domes, and magical alternate dimensions where all the Captain Britains live and in the first issue of Captain America he once again throws the titular hero into an alternate dimension storyline. Captain America is the leader of The Avengers and the most looked up to character in the entire Marvel U. Isolating him in an alternate dimension (or whatever) is a change of pace, but it might end up to be a lackluster one that fails to play to the character's strengths. Time will tell, but either way Remender seems to be slightly too reliant upon alternate dimension story lines in his works recently.
Artist John Romita, Jr is has achieved the legendary status of his father in the industry. His art is compelling, impeccably articulate and iconic. He's one of the best, and if Remender fumbles out of the gate with his stint on Cap, at least the art will be spectacular.
I'm going to have to see more of what Remender has cooked up long term for Captain America as a character and series. So far I'm going to have to reserve judgment. All I can say is that Captain America #1 pales in comparison to the other major Marvel Comics' hero whose new series just debuted: Mark Waid's Indestructible Hulk #1. More on that stunning first issue soon...
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