DC Comics
Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3 Review
By Andy Frisk
August 29, 2012 - 18:29
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Darwyn Cooke
Penciller(s): Darwyn Cooke
Inker(s): Darwyn Cooke
Colourist(s): Phil Noto
Letterer(s): Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Artist(s): Darwyn Cooke
$3.99 US
Mixing in a ton of social commentary that's relevant towards today's focus on women's rights in light of the controversy raised in American politics over the statements made by various US Congressmen concerning the "definition of rape," Darwyn Cooke (most likely coincidentally) uses the aftermath of The Comedian's attempted rape of Sally Jupiter, The Silhouette and Hooded Justice's homosexuality, and the dichotomy between Hollis Mason/Nite Owl's views on the homosexuality to powerfully move along one of the best issues of a Before Watchmen series that we've seen yet.
There's plenty of action this issue as well though. Including Silhouette's run in with some dangerous child sex slavers. Even though it's not all social commentary, these action scenes are few and far between. What is so striking about this issue is that Cooke manages to pack just as many heavy scenes, discussions, imagery, and characterization as the original Watchmen series did in one of its chapters into the narrative of Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3. The confrontations between Silhouette and Sally Jupiter, Dollar Bill and Nite Owl, and The Comedian and everyone else are packed with the kind of ideals that would keep grad students in literature tied up for hours discussing.
Of course, Cooke also handles the art this issue as he has, and will, for the entire series. His unique Silver Age style of art is as captivating, and relevant to the story he's telling, here as it ever was.
Pleasantly surprised at the depth and breadth of the smart commentary and great storytelling in Before Watchmen: Minutemen #3, I'm now anxiously awaiting the next installment.
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