DC Comics
Batman and the Signal #1
By Paul Mason
December 30, 2017 - 13:56
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Tony Patrick, Scott Snyder
Artist(s): Cully Hamner
Colourist(s): Laura Martin
Letterer(s): Deron Bennett
Cover Artist(s): Cully Hamner
A new bat title, yippee! The focus is on Duke aka the Signal who has graced bat titles since at least Rebirth but only started to come into his own during the Metal prelude.
This is written in the Signal's narrative voice which is so postmodern and self aware it may be detrimental as his narration points out how many people are in the bat family. While patrolling the city Duke stumbles upon another metahuman. Concerned citizens interrupt the Signal as he’s putting the boot to the bad guys face. And bring up a good point in that the fight is occurring in daylight.
Maybe my experience was tainted by the opening internal monologue but I found the issue to be very meh. The art was also good without being great stylistically I can see it having many fans but I was like meh.
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