
Johnny Bullet
DC Comics
Review: Batman Beyond #12
By Philip Schweier

September 27, 2017 - 10:43

Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando
Penciller(s): Siya Oum
Inker(s): Dexter Vines
Colourist(s): Tony Aviña
Letterer(s): Travis Lanham
Cover Artist(s): Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo; Dave Johnson

A done-in-one, introducing the Batwomen of the future. When the original Batgirl goes missing, it’s up to a young vigilante who has taken up the mantle to battle crime in Crown Point, the worst section of the worst neighborhood in Gotham. Abandon hope, all ye who enter her. Even the Bat doesn’t come down here.

Yeah, well, now she does. And she has help, in the form of Batman’s own stay-at-home assistant, Max. She’s no street fighter, but what she lacks in kick ass-ability she makes up for in techno-strategy.

This issue represents an interlude between the recent Rise of the Demon story arc and the next one to follow. It takes advantage of Batman and Bruce’s absence from Gotham to demonstrate A.) the story does not stop just because they’re not around; and B.) there are many layers to the Bat-mythos of the future. Terry McGinnis is only one of them.

The artwork is good, though a few panels seem to be a but less than polished, as if corners were cut in the inking process. That may be a bit disappointing, given Dexter Vines’ reputation as a solid professional, butif he cut corners, it was never where it mattered. Several pages are stand-outs. Avira’s colors are dynamic and effective, making for any shortcomings in the overall artwork.

All in all, a good, solid, satisfying issue.

Rating: 9/10

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