DC Comics
Batman #7 Review
By Dan Horn
March 27, 2012 - 17:34
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Scott Snyder
Penciller(s): Greg Capullo
Inker(s): Jonathan Glapion
Colourist(s): FCO
Letterer(s): Richard Starkings and Jimmy Betancourt
Cover Artist(s): Greg Capullo with variant by Dustin Nguyen
$2.99 US
SPOILER ALERT: I will be alluding to a few spoilers in order to address concerns about this particular issue. Proceed with caution.
Even with individual installments of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's
Batman being so incredibly strong (Batman #1 and #5 both earned a rare
10/10 rating from the Bin), it's difficult to overlook the dismissive
manner in which Snyder ties-up his cliffhangers from issue to issue.
Whether Batman is shrugging off mortal knife wounds or effortlessly dodging
collapsing skyscrapers, there's an overwhelming sense building that
perhaps Snyder's Batman wouldn't be quite as interesting without its
cheap thrills. This issue isn't much different, as Batman finds himself
inexplicably alive, if not well, after ostensibly drowning in the
previous issue. There's something else a bit incongruous here: a new
character named Harper, who Snyder really sells as a previously
established character, which is far more confusing at first than
tantalizing. Harper's appearance had me scouring my back issues for some
evidence of her existence, but to no avail. Then I remembered this
nifty Internet thing. However, I can't imagine that a new reader or even
a reader so salty as myself navigated this particular scene without
feeling like he or she had missed something crucial.
There are other discrepancies here as well. Several months ago, my
colleague Andy Frisk wrote an editorial on the way in which Scott
Snyder's Batman had caught up to the Chris Nolan films in caliber. At
the time I agreed. Batman was indeed of an impeccable quality. Though
different from the Dark Knight films in aesthetic and subtext, the
Batman comic was coming from the same dark, pessimism. Snyder's recent
use of zany pseudoscience to explain the source of the Talons' power is
in direct contrast with that cynical realism and produces a thematic
unevenness. It's also more than a bit difficult to suspend disbelief on
several levels, like a grown Dick Grayson still somehow having a dental
implant that would have had to have been surgically embedded when he was
a very young child, if Bruce's deduction in this issue is
accurate. This hardly seems probable when considering the order in which
primary teeth decay and what age Dick Grayson was when taken in by Bruce. What
I'm trying to say is it's an improbable stretch of the imagination, even
for a Batman comic, and it's a symptom of a larger problem in regards
to storytelling: Batman is less of the comprehensive epic readers supposed it to be and more of a
tangled mess of unsustainable convolution and plot contrivances. Of course, this calls into question something much more subjective to the reader: do you read comics merely for serialized thrills or do you read them to find original stories that deserve to be told? Batman certainly operates fantastically as a comic book serial, but is this a story that needs to be told, or even one that we haven't heard before?
Coincidentally, I have an answer for that. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this idea of chipping
away at Batman until there is nothing left but Bruce Wayne's
pathological need for justice, or rather vengeance perhaps, has been
done before, and fairly recently at that. Just a few years ago, Grant
Morrison's Batman: RIP arc had the caped crusader donning purple and
yellow tights, pulling out his molars, and wielding a baseball bat in
paranoid episodes after the organization known as the Black Glove had
reduced Bruce to a foam-lipped lunatic. Hell, even Knightfall had
similar themes and subject matter. I'd be lying, though, if I claimed
that either of those preceding stories were better written than Snyder's
"Court of Owls" saga. There's something to be said of the only comic that
I make time to read immediately after my weekly comic book store
purchases, which is something that couldn't necessarily be said of
Morrison's run and most definitely couldn't be said of the more recent
Tony Daniel Batman run and the current Detective Comics.
And therein lies the difficulty in grading a comic book like the
rebooted Batman: love or hate certain aspects of the manner in which
this series is handled, but you can't deny the formidable overall
quality of this book, Greg Capullo's gorgeous artwork included. Batman,
triumphs, shortcomings, and all, is simply a blessing for many
discerning fans of the legendary vigilante. This just so happens to be
an issue that doesn't do enough to help readers suspend their disbelief,
in effect showing its ass a bit.
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